
Scroll down or click on an activity to jump directly there!

Pre-K to Elementary School
Painting with Soil
Bird Gym
CWEP Social Media Resources

Elementary-Middle School
Soak-Spread-Slow Stormwater Song
Virtual Storytime
Watershed Wisdom (PBS Learning Media)
Discover Water (Project WET)

Middle-High School
It’s Our Water (NC DEQ)
River Basin Storymaps (NC Office of Environmental Education)

Pre-K to Elementary School

Painting with Soil (Duke Gardens)

Learn how to turn soil and water into paint with this creative and engaging outdoor craft.

Bird Gym

Move your body and engage your mind with this simple workout video sprinkled with facts about birds native to NC!

CWEP Social Media Resources

Below are a collection of activities and at-home resources that CWEP has posted on social media. Click on the links below images for detailed instructions!

Use the Above Image!

Looking for more ideas?

Visit the Take A Child Outside: Everyday Nature page (a NC Museum of Natural Sciences initiative) or the Wild Time Learning website for other nature-based activities and crafts.

Elementary-Middle School

The Soak-Spread-Slow Stormwater Song

Sing along to this original song written and recorded by Hannah, CWEP’s Stormwater Education Specialist. Find out how you can help improve the stormwater!

Virtual Storytime

Where does the water go after it flows down a storm drain? Discover the journey with this animated video version of the book All the Way to the Ocean by Joel Harper.

Watershed Wisdom (PBS Learning Media )

In this new NC-based watershed curriculum, students discover connections between the water cycle and watersheds through hands-on videos, activities, and quizzes.

Discover Water (Project WET)

Play lots of fun games in this online water learning tool. Learn about watersheds, the water cycle, how to keep our water clean, and much more!

Middle-High School

As you move through the modules, learn about the hydrosphere, ground water, water usage, and more

It’s Our Water (NC DEQ)

This online course designed by NCDEQ is broken up into 5 modules that explore water topics through videos, quizzes, maps, and readings.

River Basin Storymaps (NC Office of Environmental Education)

Learn about the importance of the Neuse River Basin, Cape Fear River Basin, and Tar-Pamlico River Basin by exploring these AcrGIS storymaps.